Sunday, April 24, 2011

UDK Top Down Game Prototype

I also developed a simple top down camera and built a simple level to test how it functioned, to make sure the camera functioned properly, I created ramps, narrow corridors, wide open spaces, and high jumps and drops, simply to see how the camera moved under these conditions, as you can see below everything seems to be fine, and this camera angle will most likely be used for my top down project.

sorry, its a little dark

UDK Side Scrolling Prototype

I have been experimenting with various camera angles and features with Kismet lately, I have attached a video demonstrating the first small prototype I created from what I had quickly learnt. The prototype demonstrates a control system and camera angle suited towards a side scrolling platformer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

2014 Commonwealth Game Design Competition

I was given a chance to demonstrate my game design capabilities by entering a game design competition which involved designing a game concept for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. It involved following a brief list of specifications that the Commonwealth wish to be featured in the game. My entry can be viewed here.

It demonstrates my skills of being able to follow a brief and required specification, while still maintaining some form of originality within the concept, plus the winner and runner up of the competition each get £2014 prize money.
It has recently been brought to my attention that...... I WON THE COMPETITION!, so I am the proud winner of £2014 and also by the end of the summer I should have my first published game as a Designer \o/

UDK Top Down Game Project

I have begun work for one of my assignments, the above image is a quick render of a concept of a ship that will be in the prototype at some point I've decided to attempt and make an incredibly simple top down shooter. I've already completed a research document which you can download and take a mosey here.

Resume and Social Networking

I have linked an updated version of my Resume to the blog, it can be viewed by clicking on the Resume tab at the top of the page, or if your feeling lazy you can simply click here. There is also a link at the top of the page which will take you to my LinkedIn profile if you wish to add me to your network, and my Twitter account is now also accessible through the side gadget on the homepage, of by selecting the hyper-links in this post

A Little About Myself and The Project

I am currently in my third year of Games Design and Production Management at the University of Abertay, Dundee, this blog shall represent a showreel of all work I have created during this educational year that I believe is worth showing as possible show pieces for a potential employer.

 Over the course of the year I have spent my time developing my skills in a range of various applications, the majority of my time has been spent learning what UDK has to offer and attempting to develop various prototypes within the application. Brushing up on my Maya and Photoshop skills came hand in hand with UDK, when I needed assets I simply modelled and textured them when required. I have also briefly looked at Game Maker with the intent of creating a simple top down shooter prototype.

My ultimate goal is to one day obtain the role of a designer or producer within the gaming industry, this showreel should demonstrate the various skills I am developing in order to be efficient and successful at said roles. This blog shall show any progress made within any projects I am working on and believe is of a high enough standard to be worth showing.