Saturday, May 7, 2011

Addition of AI Bots

I added some very basic AI bots to the level in an attempt to direct the player in a certain direction. Basically the player wont have a weapon so they will have no choice but to avoid oncoming fire, since they cant fight back. So to funnel the player in a certain direction I placed 2 bots in corridors that the player shouldnt be in. I think it gives the level the illusion of being bigger than it actually is ^_^ plus it show I can do AI stuff in Kismet, even if it is pretty lame AI.

Loads of bot Kismet, most of which doesn't work

I intended on having the bots on patrol and the player needed to avoid them by timing their movements, but I ran into problems and I couldnt find a solution, the patrols just wouldnt work, the Kismet stuff for it is still there, as it didnt stop them from firing at the player when they came into view.

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