Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Kismet Skills

I've finally moved onto Kismet! I added the meshes for the first two doors that will be used in the level as "interpactors" (I forgot you had to do this, and nearly went postal because I couldn't figure out what was wrong)

Anywhoo, I set the first door to open/close as many times as the player wants, since there is nowhere to go that way. For the second door I set it to only open and close once, as I want it to lock behind the player in order to get them to progress through the portal in that corridor and continue the level. I'm trying to get the level to flow nicely, and to stop backtracking, locking the doors seemed like a simple enough way to do it ^_^

I moved onto trying to get the teleporter to work, I thought it was going to be a lot more complicated than it actually was, maybe I'm just incredibly pessimistic...

Anywhoo, it seems you only need to name the two teleporters and then supply each with a "URL" to where you want it to take you, pretty much exactly how a normal URL works, so I set both teleporter 1 & 2 to take me to teleporter 2, which made it a one way system, it even automatically hit the second teleporter, so you cant run into it and be returned to the same location, or be trapped in an infinite loop of teleportation madness (you know you've done it when playing Portal ^-^)

I knocked up an elevator that the player must use after using the portal, it is activated on touch, similar to how the doors operate, I was going to add a button at the top and bottom, but I thought that if humans can build a giant spaceship with elevators and stuff, then they can surely create an elevator that doesn't require a button to operate ^^

I also added a (sort of) warning sign under the elevator that is revealed after the player exits the lift and it returns to its original position. By sending the lift back to the top, the player is once again presented with a point of no return, similar to the locking door and the (yet to be) one way portal.

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