Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kismet Skills

Since I cant program to save my life, I decided now would be a good time to start learning the next best thing, since I was going to need some understanding of Kismet for my UDK project anyway. Turns out I quite like this Kismet jazz once I got my head around it.

I loaded up a pre-made level to mess about creating different interactive pieces within the level.

  • Star Trek Door - when you fire up the level you can walk through a gate that opens and closes by itself when you go near it (just like in Star Trek :) )
  • Super Awesome Light Switch - then I made a light switch beside the door, made a trigger to turn the light above the door on and off, also changed the light material to make the light look more florescent when its turned on (but that part stopped working as I worked on :P ) 
  • Angry Button of Doom - I made another button that gave the player multiple notifications each time it was pressed, each notification had a progressively more angry tone, if the player persists after being warned I set a few things to happen
    • Alarm Sound - a dramatic alarm starts playing to make the player think they are in trouble (they are in big trouble at this stage)
    • Locked Door - the door automatically locks after the final warning, so the player cant escape the horrible things about to happen.
    • Countdown - a set a countdown from 10 - 1, a voice calls out each number as the notifications count down to impending doom.
    • Horrible Things - When the countdown reaches zero the player explodes ^_^

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